Crypto Apero S02E02: The Internet is for Porn Edition

Crypto Apero S02E02:  The Internet is for Porn Edition
A warm welcome to you, visitor | Bienvenue à toi, visiteur

27 November 2018 – 18h30

Duration | 1 h 30 mns | Durée

Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg-Bonnevoie

Our menu is as follows | Notre menu est le suivant

Bilingual event | English and Français | Evénement bilingue

An enlightning dive through one of the main motors of the Internet from a privacy perspective.

Un voyage concentré sur la vie privée éclairant au travers d’un des moteurs principaux de l’Internet.

Featuring | Avec Practical Tips | Des conseils pratiques
Legal Tricks | Des informations juridiques
Survival advice | Des astuces de survie
Tomato juice | Du jus de tomate
And much more | Et beaucoup plus

Header image: Ecstasy of Saint Teresa – 1652


Few are the topics that can be so polemical. At the crossroad of moral indignation, religious zealotry, social debates, entertainment, and freedom of expression, the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal has spilled from the physical into the digital world, pulling users continuously towards new technologies and trends.

The specifications imposed by the Rotondes on the crypto-apéro were clear: bring in another approach to IT and information security. So it shall be.

We are proud to announce our 2nd crypto apero of the season: “The Internet is for Porn” Edition.

From a computer security standpoint, such an approach can only arouse. Online porn has driven technological developments again and again, spread malware, democratized the usefulness of high bandwidth for many, and demonstrated the impact piracy can really have on a market. Privacy policies directed at the online porn industry will have far wider consequences than the intended target of protecting underage viewers.

As Luxembourg is the world capital of online porn, it is our duty to examine the potential technological dangers, privacy impacts, security issues and solutions for everyday users (that is asking for a friend type). We will not talk about the morality of this topic – only the IT and cybersecurity aspects.

Special guest: The recent general elections saw the first use of porn sites for political advertising in the history of Luxembourg. Why? How? What results? Sven Clement, president of the Pirate Party Lëtzebuerg and newly elected Député will tell us more about this online campaign.

Crypto-Apéro – The Internet is for Porn edition


Thuesday November 27th 2018, 18h30

Free entry

Crypto Apero?

Why you should attend…
Pourquoi vous devriez venir…

  • Less Boring
    Moins ennuyant

    Information security awarness is a harsh topic. We try to make it digestable.

    La sensibilisation en sécurité de l’information est un sujet ardu. On essaye de le rendre digeste.

  • Privacy focused
    Focus sur la vie privée

    Because Cambridge Analytica is not a Master class program.

    Parceque Cambridge Analytica n’est pas un programme académique.

  • Useful content
    Contenu utile

    We pull our hair out creating this. Seriously.

    On s’arrache les cheveux à créer tout ça. Sérieusement.

  • With the Rotondes
    Avec les rotondes

    These are the guys that told us to do it here. For the second year. There must be a reason. We hope.

    Ce sont ces gars là qui nous ont demandé de faire nos events ici. Pour la deuxième saison. Il doit y avoir une raison. On espère.

Crypto Apero S02E02
The Internet is for Porn Edition

November 27th 2018 – 18h30
Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg-Bonnevoie